Faculty/Staff Tips

To update name, department information, office location or telephone information, contact Human Resources at hrhelp@winthrop.edu or call 323-2273.

To have your CMS faculty profile page linked to your name, contact helpdesk@winthrop.edu or call 323-2400.


Contact information and e-mail addresses are provided to assist users in contacting individual students, faculty, and staff.

Any commercial or unsolicited use of this information is strictly prohibited.

Faculty/Staff Search Results

Department/Mailing Address
Office Location
Off-Campus Phone
On-Campus Extension
Adams, Mrs Carol
  • Administrative Specialist
  • Student Academic Services
Withers 106D
ext. 4883
Click here to View Email
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Harris, Ms Joanna P
  • Dir-Student Academic Services
  • Student Academic Services
144 Withers Building
ext. 4738
Click here to View Email
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Moore, Ms Elizabeth
  • Coordinator-Student Support
  • Student Academic Services
144A Withers
ext. 4592
Click here to View Email
Click here to Listen Email

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