Policy Title

Institutional Animal Care and Use


The use of vertebrate animals, alive or dead, in research and instruction shall conform to all applicable laws, rules, and regulations of the United States government and the State of South Carolina. Furthermore, all research and instructions must be performed in compliance with the highest standards of ethics, practice, and conduct of each of the fields or disciplines involved in each of the specific research projects or instructional activities. This policy also establishes compliance with the Animal Welfare Act (7 U.S.C.2131, et seq.)


Faculty, staff, and students 

Policy Number:2.4.05
Effective Date:06/01/2020
Date Reviewed: 04/27/2020
Last Review Date: Apr 1 2023 12:00AM; 04/20/2021
Responsible Official: Director of Grants and Sponsored Research Development
Responsible Office: Grants and Sponsored Research Development
Contact Information:

Macfeat House, (803) 323-2460, https://www.winthrop.edu/grants/


1.0 Specific meanings of bold terms seen throughout this policy can be found within the University's policy definition glossary by following the link below.

1.1 http://www.winthrop.edu/policy-definitions-glossary

 The use of vertebrate animals, alive or dead, in research and instruction shall conform to all applicable laws, rules, and regulations of the United States government and the State of South Carolina. Furthermore, all research and instructions must be performed in compliance with the highest standards of ethics, practice, and conduct of each of the fields or disciplines involved in each of the specific research projects or instructional activities.

Animal Study Protocol Review form (IACUC001) must be submitted and approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC.)

Prior to submitting a grant proposal for extramural or intramural funding, or as soon as possible thereafter, the investigator must submit an Animal Care and Use Protocol Review Application (ACUPRA). No animals may be acquired for research or instruction before review and approval of the protocol by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). Please see "guides".


Guides, forms and processes are posted on the IACUC website: https://www.winthrop.edu/grants/institutional-animal-care-and-use-committee-iacuc.aspx

Forms are all posted on the IACUC webpage (https://www.winthrop.edu/grants/institutional-animal-care-and-use-committee-iacuc.aspx) and the GSRD Forms page (https://www.winthrop.edu/grants/forms.aspx)

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