Policy Title

Summer Salary


Compensation for Summer courses is based on faculty status and course enrollment.  



Policy Number:2.2.37
Effective Date:01/01/2024
Date Reviewed: 12/13/2023
Last Review Date: 03/02/2015; 02/02/2022; 02/07/2023
Responsible Official: Chief Academic Officer/Academic Leadership Council
Responsible Office: Office of the Provost
Contact Information:

Office of the Provost

115 Tillman Hall

Rock Hill, SC 29733




1.0 Specific meanings of bold terms seen throughout this policy can be found within the University's policy definition glossary by following the link below.

1.1 http://www.winthrop.edu/policy-definitions-glossary

I. Faculty salary for teaching 3 credit-hour courses in summer sessions will be:

A.  Full-time faculty teaching 3 credit hour courses will be paid the greater of:

$5,000 for a minimum course enrollment of 12 students; or

7.5% of the faculty member's 9-month salary for a minimum course enrollment of 18 students.

B.   Adjunct faculty teaching 12 or more students: $3000 per course;

C.  Faculty salary for courses with credit-hours other than 3 will be prorated relative to the 3 credit-hour rates stated above;

D.   Faculty salary for courses enrolling fewer than 12 will be pro-rated at $420 per student for full-time faculty and $250 per student for adjunct faculty.

II. Laboratory courses:

A.  One credit hour, three contact-hour laboratory courses (enrollment minimum of 5):

             i. Enrollment of 5 students will be paid at $1300.

             ii. From 6 to 12 students, add $200 for each student to a maximum salary of $2500.

B.   Four credit-hour, six contact-hour lecture-laboratory courses, at standard enrollment level (12) or greater, faculty pay shall consist of:

              i. For the lecture portion of the course, salary as stated in I.A-D, above; plus

              ii. For the lab portion of the course, salary as stated in II.A, above.

 III. Further:

A.  Courses whose credit-hours differ in number from their contact-hours typically will be compensated by reference to the number of contact-hours, with exceptions for

certain experiential courses as appropriate to the individual colleges and under the advisement of the dean.

B. Graduate courses that do not reach an enrollment of 12, but must be offered, may be compensated at a rate equivalent to that in courses enrolling 12 or more, under

the advisement of the dean.

C. Internships are paid at a per student rate appropriate to the college under the advisement of the dean.

D. Determining course enrollment: Students are eligible for full refund on the first day of a term and partial refund through the first few days. To set compensation at a

reasonable time, enrollment in a course is defined as the number of students on the roll at the end of the third day of the term (not the third day of class, but the third day

of the term).

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