Policy Title

Recruitment and Appointment of Classified, Non-Academic Unclassified, Unclassified Athletic, FTE Grant, and FTE Time-Limited Staff Employees


This policy communicates the uniform system for filling vacant classified, non-academic unclassified, unclassified Athletic personnel, FTE grant, and time-limited positions within Winthrop University.


This policy is applicable to the process for the appointment of classified staff, unclassified Athletic personnel, and non-academic unclassified staff, FTE grant, and FTE time limited positions. This policy does not apply to the appointment of academic administrators, instructional academic faculty, or temporary employees.

Policy Number:4.30
Effective Date:01/22/2025
Date Reviewed: 01/22/2025
Last Review Date:
Responsible Official: Lisa W. Cowart
Responsible Office: Office of Human Resources, Employee Diversity, and Wellness
Contact Information:




Academic Administrator: An employee assigned the position of Provost, Assistant/Associate Provost, or Dean.


Class: A group of positions sufficiently similar in the duties performed; degree of supervision exercised or received; minimum requirements of education or experience; and the knowledge, skills, and abilities required that the Division of State Human Resources applies the same State class title and the same State salary range to each position in the group. 

Classified Position: A position that has been assigned to a classified State title and a State classification.

Full-Time Equivalent (FTE): A position authorized by the General Assembly which is expressed as a numerical value as a percentage of time in hours and of funds. 

FTE Grant Position: A type of non-covered position which is funded by federal grants, private foundation grants, research grants, individual private gifts, externally generated revenue for service testing agreements and grant generated revenue or a combination of these funding sources. Grant FTE are approved by the State Budget Office and may be eligible for state benefits and leave programs. 

FTE Time-Limited: A full or part-time non-FTE position hired to fill a position with time-limited project funding approved or authorized by the appropriate State authority, and who is not a covered employee. 

Instructional Academic Faculty: An employee assigned to a position where the primary responsibilities of the position include teaching academic credit courses. May include a position assigned to a State FTE or a temporary position designated as adjunct. 

Non- Academic Unclassified Position: A position that has been assigned to an unclassified State job title. 

Position: Those duties and responsibilities constituting a single job.

Unclassified Athletic Personnel – A position within the Athletic Department that has been assigned to an unclassified State job title.

Job Vacancy Announcements 

When a job vacancy occurs for classified, non-academic unclassified, unclassified Athletic personnel, FTE grant, and time-limited positions, SC Code of Laws 8-11-120 requires Winthrop post a notice announcing the vacancy for at least five working days before employing a person to fill the vacancy. The vacancy must be posted with the Division of State Human Resources of the Department of Administration (DSHR) and the South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce for at least five working days prior to the close of the application period of a job vacancy for which recruitment will be undertaken. The posting must give notice of the job vacancy, describe the duties to be performed by a person employed in that position, and include any other information required by law.

 A Winthrop University vacancy notice must include the following: 

1) The title of the position and a summary description of the job responsibilities for the vacant position if needed for clarification; 

2) The entry salary or State salary range for the vacant position; 

3) A description of the application process for the vacant position; 

4) Residency requirements, if any, for the vacant position; 

5) The class code and position number of the vacant position; 

6) The minimum requirements for the vacant position, as well as preferred qualifications, if any: 

a. Minimum requirements are the minimum training and experience requirements that are established for the vacant position. Vacancy announcements shall be either the minimum requirements established by the DSHR or additional requirements established by Winthrop that are directly related to the successful performance of essential job responsibilities. Additional requirements must exceed the minimum requirements established by DSHR for the position. 

b. Preferred qualifications are defined as any other qualifications that are desirable, but not mandatory, for the performance of the essential job responsibilities upon entry into the position. 

7) The opening and closing dates for applying for the vacant position; 

8) A statement certifying that the employing agency is an equal employment opportunity/affirmative action employing agency;

 9) The normal work schedule and whether the position if full-time or part-time; and, 

10) Where the vacancy exists. 

Exemptions to Posting Job Vacancies 

Generally, all vacant FTE positions will be posted for a minimum of five working days. However, if an emergency situation exists requiring the vacancy to be filled immediately, if an employee is reassigned from one position to another in the same band, if an employee is promoted one organizational level above the employee’s current level, or if an employee is demoted the President (or designee) may waive the posting requirement. 

Freedom of Information Act Requests Regarding a Search to Fill an Employment Position

Upon request, a public body must provide materials, regardless of the form, pertaining to at least the three final applicants for consideration of each position. Finalist refers to the last group of applicants, with at least three members, from which the final selection is made. A public body should not disclose the tax returns, medical records, social security numbers or any other materials exempt from disclosure under the SC Code of Laws Section 30-4-40 of the final pool of applicants, comprising at least three applicants. Upon request, a public body must disclose the number of applicants considered for that position.


The Office of Human Resources, Employee Diversity, and Wellness (Human Resources) shall develop and oversee processes and procedures related to hiring employees into classified, non-academic unclassified, unclassified Athletic personnel, FTE grant, and time-limited positions. Human Resources shall post on the divisional website procedures for hiring employees for these positions and all hiring decisions must be made in accordance with the posted procedures. Hiring decisions must be based on applicable state and federal laws and regulations and must be made without regard to race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy and childbirth, or related medical conditions), national origin, age (forty-plus / 40+), protected disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or other characteristic protected under applicable federal, state or local law. The President shall be ultimately responsible for all final hiring decisions and may, at their discretion, delegate this responsibility.

Qualified Employees 

An individual must meet the following criteria in order to be hired into a position: 

1) Must meet the minimum required qualifications for the position; or,

2) Must meet an equivalent level of training and experience as determined by Human and DSHR. 

Background Check 

All final applicants must agree to a criminal records background check and must be approved by Human Resources as acceptable for employment before an offer of employment may be made to the individual. Depending upon the position for which the applicant is being considered, the applicant may also be required to agree to additional background check components, including but not limited to, credit history and psychological testing. 

Student Loan Default 

South Carolina Code of Laws 59-111-50 (Cum. Supp. 1980) prohibits State employment for persons who have willfully defaulted on student loans. All final applicants must certify their status regarding certain student loans before an offer of employment with Winthrop University may be made. 

Job Offer

Human Resources must approve all job offers prior to the offer being made to an applicant. Any Winthrop employee who makes an unapproved job offer, either verbal or in writing, may be disciplined according to applicable disciplinary or related policies. 

Hiring Salaries

 An employee must be paid at least at the minimum of the pay band for the class to which hired, and at least at the minimum of the pay range set by Winthrop University for the position. Human Resources shall oversee the establishment and maintenance of Winthrop University pay ranges and criteria for determining new hire salaries. 

Probationary Period 

Upon initial employment or reemployment an employee shall be in probationary status for a period of twelve months from the date of employment or reemployment. The President (or designee) may count up to six months of continuous satisfactory service in any temporary capacity toward the employee’s probationary period, which would result in a reduction in the length of the employee’s probationary performance review period. An employee who performs unsatisfactorily during the probationary period must be terminated before becoming a covered employee. 

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